Ok question I Like the thought of the law against abandoning you pets in
the event of a storm evacuation but I have a question will this change
the ability to take you pet with you to the shelter or in on the bus
taking you out of town this exactly the biggest problem they had in the
events following katrina people wer forced to choose shelter over thier
pets they at least at first werent allowed in the superdome and other
shelters and then when they were leaving on buses for other states they
were again told the animal could not go with while I understand to some
degree why how can FL punsih people if they give them no alternative, I
also do realize that after thest case were publiczed by the media groups
like the humane society stepped in and offered to take the pet allowing
the familys to board the bus and claim the pet when they were able to
but there needs to be a more structure before the media gets involved.
I think all organizations have learned a great deal from what has
happened and yes its horrible that it takes tragedy for us to realize
that we need to plan better but it has always been that way for example
life boats werent required for every person on board until the Titanic
My prayers are with all the lives affect both 2 and 4 legged variety!
[Posted in FML issue 4997]