Dooks to all, I recently sent in $2.00 per ferret I ever had, my 3
current owners (Princess, Lance and Missy) the in memory of and even the
babies 1 to 3 days old I lost last year, it ended up to be a check of
$80.00.  I keep seeing the wonderful donations and I hope they keep
coming in.  Took me a while to save that up, but if I can do it anyone
can do it.
These little but mighty creatures are just so darn funny, that I had to
take the time to share one with you.  Sir Lancelot was chasing Princess
Anna the other night, she ducked under the dresser, and Lance grabbed
her by the tail and tried to pull her out, all I could do was sit there
and laugh my .... off watching the war begin.  Boy oh boy, she flew out
of there and proceeded to let him know that was NOT the thing to do to
a Princess.  lol lol   Well just had to share that with someone who
appreciates ferret frolics.  I am so very sorry to those who lost any fur
babies recently, every time I read about one crossing the bridge I cry
with you and try to reach through the computer screen to give you a hug.
Carol - [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4996]