A dynamic duo surfaced in town this past week.  Two fiesty coniving
ferrety ferrets!  I have really had my hands full.  These spirits did
not drift onto the bridge.  They exploded onto the bridge in a firery
ball.  One gal was named Lightening.  The other was named Oglesnorf.
Now, I could have kept Lightening busy, but that Oglesnorf is a bad
influence.  And I may have been able to calm Oglesnorf down, but that
Lightening lights a fire under that gal like no other.  Despite their
energy, I was able to sit them down, and very seriously give them a
message from Linda, their mom.  I told them how very sorry she was that
she could not do more for them.  This made them feel very warm.  I could
feel the warmth eminating from them.  It was quite a feeling.  They told
me that they would try to reach their mom through the warmth in the air
on earth.  So, hopefully, whenever she feels some warmth on her cheek,
she'll think of them.  The seriousness did not last.  These girls are
very mischievious.  Oglesnorft took it upon herself to try and chase the
locals and nip them while Lightening cheered her on.  I finally grabbed
Oglesnorft by one of her big ole ears and told her to stop.
Then I got a grand idea.  Hmmm.  I'll show her bitey.  We took a trip to
where the wild wolverines live.  Muahahaha.  And I told her, to have at
it.  Yeah.  Go nip those big clawed toes.  They like that.  Lightenings
eyes grew big, but O took it as a challenge.  Let me tell ya, O found
herself a great new past time.  Lightening cheerleads and O sneaks up on
wolverines and tries to nip their back feet and escape the giant swats
they unleash on her.  She is so much faster than them however.
So worry not.  Linda, everytime you feel a little gush of wind, that is
wolverine swatting nothing but air, because O has nipped its back toes
and taken off with Lightening.
[Posted in FML issue 4995]