in part:
>As reported by Sandy Monterose of the ASPCA's National Outreach
>department, ASPCA staffers have teamed up with others from organizations
>such as American Humane Association, Spring Farm CARES (NY) and the
>Houston SPCA, under the leadership of the Louisiana SPCA, to take to
>the flooded streets of New Orleans searching for abandoned pets.
>Working on a grid system, the five teams of three rescuers each waded
>through waist-high, fetid water, pulling boats loaded with equipment and
>supplies, successfully avoiding injury on fallen tree limbs and downed
>power lines.  This hot, sticky, frustrating day netted 25 cats, 14 dogs,
>one pet snake and a gentleman who been overlooked by earlier rescuers.
>(Land and water rescues totaled 140 animals on Tuesday, and they expect
>to retrieve 200 on Wednesday as more of the water recedes.)  Rescue
>crews were pleasantly surprised to find the animals in relatively good
>condition, having been left adequate supplies by their fleeing owners.
>At one home, rescuers came upon a pit bull chained to the front porch.
>As they neared, a frail man in his seventies came out of the house, and
>said he was fine but gratefully accepted all the dog food the team had
>with them.  The authorities were coming for him tomorrow, he said.
Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan and regular user
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 4995]