I was blessed with the opportunity to try to help a ferret and her person
from New Orleans.
One of the evacuees called on Monday.  They had left the ferrets at home
when they evacuated, thinking they would return in a day or two, but it
wasn't until the following Sunday they were able to get back.  One of
their ferrets was not doing well.  After a few frantic phone calls trying
to find a listing of vets and many calls to vets in and around the Houma
area, a vet willing to meet her was found.  Unfortunately her little one
was in very bad shape, being older and having no food or water for a
time.  The vet provided emergency care and then took her home with him
for further care.  I've not heard back yet as to whether she pulled
through or not.
Where were all the vets after this disaster?  Why weren't their clinic
phones answered by people?  Even the LSU Vet Med phone line was not
answered and the number it gave to call for help with Katrina pets was
not working!
As I watch CNN and Fox News reports I see very little about animals being
rescued.  I see many rescues of people.  There are agencies there that
specialize in human rescue and other agencies that specialize in
companion animal rescue.  There are volunteers that want to help all
living beings.
On an interview of one family that was staying put in New Orleans (with
their 2 dogs), the woman said they made it through the hurricane just
fine, it was when the levee's broke that the water flooded the city.
This in my opinion is human error, not mother nature.  The people that
evacuated because of the hurricane thought they'd only be gone a day or
two.  Then when the city flooded they were not allowed to go back into
the city to rescue their beloved animals.
One man wading in chest high water with a few meager supplies was asked
to evacuate.  He said his dog had been with him through everything and he
wouldn't leave his dog behind.  How simple would it have been to pick him
and his dog up and take them both to safety?  Rescuing people sometimes
includes rescuing their beloved companion animals.  Wouldn't it be better
to rescue both to save the human life?
IF people had been allowed to take their pets with them when they were
rescued or evacuated, more people may have left.  In this sense, people
would be rescued as well as the animals.  To me it makes more sense to
let the people take their animals, their beloved companions, with them
so that they both will be safe.  Not doing so could cause grave
psychological harm.  The animal rescue groups could work closely with
the human rescue groups and set up shop next to each other.  How many
evacuees would be willing to help care for the hundreds of homeless
animals if given the opportunity?
Some people didn't have any place to go or didn't have any way to
transport their animals and they were left with a heartbreaking decision,
go and be safe or stay and be in harm's way.
My heart goes out to all beings that are involved in the Katrina
disaster.  My heart is big enough for all.
Each life is precious.  If given the choice between rescuing an animal
or a person, I'd find a way to rescue both, even if it meant my staying
behind.  That is how precious life is to me.
I agonize over not being able to be there and help those left behind, yet
there are hundreds of volunteers there and rescues are only small scale.
All life is precious.  All living beings should be rescued.  Why can't
the agencies understand this?
When a disaster of this scale occurs there should be exceptions to
policies so that all living beings are rescued and helped.
For those that believe otherwise, that is your right, just as my belief
that all life is precious and deserves rescue is mine.
Ms. Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our efforts
[Posted in FML issue 4994]