These will interest some people here:
One ferret in each of the two hammocks in two cages here.  I am glad that
this family was able to mostly stay together -- two and four footed alike
-- and applaud the wife, a nurse, who stayed behind to continue saving
lives, while her husband, a chef, rescued their three kinds and their
animal companions.  Lots of good people; it's too bad the tv news puts
too much emphasis on a few bad apples, and exaggerates the necessary
actions of people who are just trying to make sure their families
survive.  (Oh, to have impartial media, or at least media with a wide
range of owners, producers, publishers, and opinions so that someplace
other than the internet better represents the many viewpoints which have
validity... I'm tired of cheap shots and want to see an Independent
Investigator Team and real inquiry that isn't controlled by those needing
investigation, even it eventually means firings, impeachments, or
criminal proceedings.  The dead and bereaved deserve that dignity,
respect, and remembrance.  I'm tired of apologists for politicians; no
one is apologizing to the dead and to those who have lost the people
who were the cores of their lives.  Until we get our priorities straight
on that score we will as a nation have our heads in a very unpleasant
anatomical location, and until we get our heads straight on that score as
a nation any of us and our loved ones remain vulnerable if authorities
know that they can get away with abusing us.  The founders of our nation
believed in questioning authority and that it ultimately ensures our
well-being; they had an excellent point.)
Sukie (not a vet) tired, sad, and spouting off
[Posted in FML issue 4994]