I'm pasting an e-mail I sent earlier to Brenda Johnson & Judy Cook as an
update on the six ferrets transported to Louisville.  Jerri
Well, they're here......and about all I could say was "Oh My".......there
are so many things wrong.
They got here at about 2:20am.  That dear woman who drove, Linda, was so
exhausted.  She is now at a local Marriot to get some sleep before
driving back to Little Rock.  She knows dogs and cats but not ferrets.  I
will hear more about how she got involved tomorrow when we meet for
There are six ferrets.  I have just finished doing an assessment of their
condition and needs.
- All are dehydrated.  I gave each 20cc of sub-q fluids as a starter.
- All have ear mites.  Cleaned ears and treated - ears were terrible!!
- One has a ripped out nail.  Cleaned and applied Panalog
- All have fleas - lots of them.  Frontline Plus applied to each although
  I was nervous about doing so in such a depleated condition but figured
  the fleas were worse.
- One is urinating all over herself and seems dazed and confused.
  Chomping/grinding her teeth.  This is the 8-yr old, Peanut.  She's got
  something upper respiratory going on.  I am also suspecting glucose
  issues here.
- Two of the boys seem to have upper respiratory infections - I had to
  clear hardened crust to of little noses - they were completely mouth
  breathing as their noses were blocked shut.
- Several appear to have advanced adrenal disease, loss of hair, one very
  swollen vulva.
- All have urine scalding on their feet, stomachs and some other bare
  parts.  I wiped each with warm wash cloths.  I would love to give them
  a bath but these guys are extremely stressed out.  I don't think I'm
  imaging things when I look at them and think they've been through a
  lot - they all just look like they're weary, confused and don't know
  whether to eat, sleep, scratch, poop or what.
- Poops thus far range from seedy to mucousy.  They were eating their
  kibble, brand unknown, but they eagerly lapped up soup made from A/D,
  turkey baby food, Ensure and butter.  I fed Peanut by spoon, she ate,
  but took a very long time.
They're in their cage now, snuggled into clean bedding and blankets.
I'll give them a chance to settle and let the Frontline do its thing.
After they've had a chance to get a decent rest, I'll re-asses.  They'll
all get fluids again and they'll all go to the vet today.  I think some
of them are just dehydrated and suffering from lack of nutrition - maybe
too hot to eat this past week?  But I'm concerned about this upper
respiratory thing - if 3 have it.....what is it and will they all get it
- and if they do, are they strong enough to fight it off?  I'm hoping
that in a few days time, the soup, fluids and eradication of fleas will
help them all perk up considerably.
Just breaks my heart to see them in such bad shape.  If I didn't know
their family had just been through the worst disaster in our history, I'd
be yelling neglect, but instead I'm thankful that six out of seven have
made it this far and promise them I will do everything I can to help
them get strong again.
Jerri Carel
The Ferret Haven
Louisville, KY
(502) 261-0880
[Posted in FML issue 4994]