Hi Gang,
Just here to vent abit.
Well now, just a few hours ago our lovely Senate passed the Gay marriage
bill.  It made it past the Assembly then the Senate just as our ferret
bill was suppose to go.  The gay marriage bill will be on the Governors
desk (I think) in the morning.  He will probably veto it just like he did
our ferret amnesty bill, SB 89, last fall.  Perhaps he will either veto
or sign it rapidly, instead of letting it linger on his desk for 28 LONG
days like he did our ferret bill.  It was like a slow agonizing death
waiting to see what we was going to do with our bill.  Each day Arnold
waited just helped build up our hope that he would actually sign it.  I
hope he shows mercy and makes a decision quicker so those involved in
the bill either way won't go through the agony we did waiting.  Our
current ferret legalization bill has been buried from what I understand
and won't be heard in the committee ( Senate Appropriations) that it
needs to be heard in before going to the Senate floor.
Why is California so ass backwards.  We are first in the states to
approve Gay marriage through legislation and the last in the contigious
states to legalize ferret ownership.  Is ferret ownership REALLY more
controversial than Gay marriage?  Does any of this make sense??
Hey Alexandria I am sure you can come up with "something" that would make
this work!  Perhaps we can make it an amended law that each married gay
couple has to have a ferret as a ring bearer.  Or maybe only ferrets can
perform the marriage ceremony.  I have to make this funny or I'm going to
cry.  I want MY family to be legal also!!
Sad in CaCaLand, MAry JO
ps thanks for listening, you're a great group
Peace to those in harms way in the wake of Katrina.  May your maker watch
over you and your little ones.
[Posted in FML issue 4993]