I am so excited and honored to actually be able to hands-on help someone
who has been effected by this terrible disaster!
Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, some dear soul will be pulling
into my driveway with 6 little fuzzies who have gone through a lot this
past week.  Their loving humans evacuated their home, with a large
carrier containing 7 ferrets.  Sadly, one has passed, they believe due to
the heat.  The remaining six were transported to Arkansas this morning,
handed off to another transport and are en-route to Louisville at this
time.  I expect them between 2:00 and 4:00AM.  They range in age from 4
to 8 years and it sounds as though several are adrenal with various
stages of hair loss.  I'm amazed that an 8 yr old survived the week.
Much to my amazement, the family who owns these ferrets may be among a
group of 500 evacuees who are due to arrive in Louisville today!!  How
cool would that be - for ferrets and humans to end up in the same city?!
The IFC is graciously sending a care package of donated bedding and
possibly some food.  Once I get these guys in and settled, I will give
you all an update and post some pictures.  Naturally, I need to see to
their needs 1st - they are said to be dehydrated but eating & drinking.
They apparently have urine scalding on their feel & tummies as the
conditions in the carrier were crowded and without a littler pan.  I just
returned from the vet, stocking up on lactated ringers and A/D.  My vet
will be ready and waiting if they need his services after they arrive.
Will keep you posted.
Jerri Carel
The Ferret Haven
Louisville, KY
[Posted in FML issue 4993]