come on people!!!!!!  just shut up!!  you realize how insignificant
this is compared to katrina or usda?!?!?!
BIG we need a penalty for these posts!  how about anyone who posts about
the ferret show judging sends 10 dollars to the fml 5000 and 10 dollars
to hurricane katrina relief AND has to go send an edocket!!!!!  Risa, i
too have been trying to keep my mouth shut, but i ran out of duck tape.
[Moderator's note: Yes, it's fairly insignificant given the bigger
picture, but certainly not off-topic.  The topic will surface now
and then regardless of global events, and ferret shows will continue
regardless of glabal events -- I don't mind this sharing space on the
FML along with other ferret-related topics.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4992]