It has come to our attention at the IFC that some people heard earlier
news reports about the proposed shooting of animals in the stricken
region but never heard the much better update.
The news was that shooting WAS considered (and some violent ones were
already killed) -- largely due to three things:
1. fear of rabies in pet animals
2. a serious rat infestation by displaced rats
3. directly dangerous animals present: alligators and poisonous
   snakes, for example.
BUT the ASPCA convinced the authorities that its specially trained vets
can tackle capture and vaccinations of pet species, as well as assessing
the other risk factors (except the rat one which is already confirmed to
be really bad).
Specially trained ASPCA vets began yesterday going into New Orleans.
How many are allowed in and how successful they are will affect if the
shooting option is renewed.  I am sure that there are efforts underway
to also get permission to allow in specially trained vets from the HSUS,
UAN EARS, AVMA's VMAT teams, etc.
Here's a news story for you:
-- Sukie (not a vet)
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International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4992]