I do not know who you are, but here is my stand on the situation of
ferrets for show.  First, you have a companion ferret as do I.  They
are not put into the other rings for that reason, they are pet store
ferrets and need to be judged for what they are.
My first ferret show I did not do so good.  I spoke to other ferret
owners and breeders and understood what all was needed to go into the
ring.  I met many new friends and got a lot of good advice.  The next
show my ferret placed in all 3 rings and took a 3rd in black sable.
After that he took a best in show and ferret of the year.  Since then
he has placed first in senior.
Please know your ferret could do well, just educate yourself.  The AFA is
not at fault.  I am not a judge, but do have breeder ferrets, all alters,
some do well some do not.
Please reconsider your stance and go to the shows for fun and education.
[Posted in FML issue 4991]