I am not a AFA judge (championship or specialty judge).  I am a exhibitor
who shows my ferrets at the AFA shows.  I do in time help out in
stewarding, as this is a very educational learning experience.  I
am owned by 1 Marshall and four privately bred ferrets.
>What is this person saying that my ferrets are from a are pet store
>will only win Companion and that if I had an adolescent it won't place
>because those rings are for "HOME BREED" ferets.
We are talking about the Championship class.  Which is base on
maintenance, bone density, body structure, muscle mass, depth of head
etc.  I have at home a 15 weeks old hob that would go into adolescent
class.  He weighing in at 3lbs., he has a good size head on him nice
depth and he still growing into his paws.  His muscles are starting to
Now, do I want to entered my 16 week ferret in adolescent class that has
been altered at 6-7 weeks (or less).  Showing less bone density, smaller
head, smaller body frame, less muscle and weight.  Absolutely not, its
not fair.
I suggest going to a breeder or a exhibitor who is owned by a privately
bred ferret and let them show you the difference.  Once you see this you
will understand it.  Most breeders and or exhibitor would be more than
happy to talk to you.
>So in other words, why waste my money.  And so does this also mean that
>in Specialty as you so nicely put it, if I showed my black sable, I will
>100% not win because some breeder has the best?
No, black sable specialty is base on the blackest ferret.  Black shinny
coat, black nose, little white around the face.  Solid Color.  Again
I am not a breeder or judge, my black sable took first at the Ferret
Fandango this year.  She took 3rd at the Buckeye Bash.  So breeder/judges
do not always take the first.
Let me remind you, the Buckeye Bash is huge show.  The new kits are just
becoming of age, so Buckeye Bash may be their first show.  We have a lot
of new faces that are entered in to the championship and specialty class.
You have to remember, breeders do have customers and those customer
compete against the breeders owned kitthey do win!
I also have taken a 1st place ribbon against a breeder.  This is the
greatest feeling.  You know, winning is not every thing.  I enjoy showing
my ferrets because the show goers are great to be around, you get to meet
new ferret friends, learn a lot about ferrets, great raffles and
shopping.  This is what its all about showing and or attending a show.
Not just winning and getting the ribbons.
[Posted in FML issue 4990]