FACT's board approved establishing a separate disaster fund.  We are
working on the wording to post to our site along with an application -
but it will be basically focused on assisting those shelters and vets
providing temporary housing for displaced ferrets.  FACT will match
every donation made by 50% out of our general fund with an immediate
goal of raising $3,000 this year.  If we surpass it - then I may just
have to kick up the matches out of pocket!
Hope to have a good start with a statewide mailing we need to do in the
next week for another event.  Timing is everything!  Further details
should be available on our website http://www.ferret-fat.org in the next
24 to 48 hours.
We are also trying to place links to other organizations efforts and
information under Relief Resources on the web site.  It's not meant to be
all inclusive - just to help steer the folks who land up at "our house."
If anyone has information they want posted, please direct it to me at
[log in to unmask] - will be easier than trying to glean
information and requesting permission to post.  Please note - I am
reluctant to post phone numbers on our web site and prefer to use email
addresses.  Clearly, it may be tough to do that given that people do
not have access to the web.  But I suspect that readers will be folks
looking TO help, not looking FOR help for quite some time.
I've read several posts in my info gathering on the web about how people
feel frustrated that they can't seem to come up with financial support
but want to try to find a way to help.
Please!!!  Call your local ferret or animal shelter and volunteer - even
if for only a few hours a week!  Not just cleaning cages.  (BTW - the
premier FACT job is ferret playmate - can never have too many of them!)
Type articles, update databases, help fold and stuff mailings.  Create
a donor database for a shelter.  Help set up their book-keeping system.
(Office stuff is deadly time-consuming!).  Offer to sew items if you are
crafty.  Mow the lawn!  Rake leaves.  Once a month go over and give those
cages or floors a really thorough cleaning - don't forget the windows
with the ferret nose spots!  Dig through those store coupons and double
up on your purchases.  I know I love the buy 1 get one free things.
Well, maybe you don't need two packages of pork chops, or two bags of
potatoes - but call and ask - maybe the shelter operator can use the
spare!  Because as we who shelter know --- even if you are a fairly
large, robust organization - there are ALWAYS out of pocket expenses you
can't "charge" to the shelter and you are never reimbursed for.  (Think
about those of you who work unpaid overtime!  For a shelter operator
it's a given!!  LOL).
Perhaps you can offer to help as a resource for new ferret owners.  If
ferrets start coming out of the south, and shelters become busy - then
some things will have to drop.  And a ferret is a ferret is a ferret
when it needs rescuing.
Do you have "free" long distance toll calling with your cell phone?
Offer to return calls.  Offer to make donation solicitation calls.
You may be able to get the local pet shop to donate a few of those shop
worn toys or a gift certificate for a raffle (PLEASE check your state
laws on that first!).
You may ask how that can help ferrets or animals in the Gulf states?  It
can in untold ways.  You will free up a knowledgeable shelter operator's
time which is so very precious.  They can put that time to use in
coordinating with other shelters to provide more direct aid to the Gulf
area.  You may help free up some of THEIR dollars to donate.  You may
keep them operating just one more week or month.
Ok - don't have a shelter locally - some of this (well, not the lawn
mowing!) can be done anywhere in the country for any shelter in the
country.  So never despair on ways to help!  There are lots of ways
that don't require $$$.
K - off my shelter soapbox :)
Happy Labor Day all - and hopefully I didn't exceed the line limit this
evening, Bill! :)
Ann Gruden
President, Webmaster, Gadfly - Ferret Association of CT, Inc. FACT
[Posted in FML issue 4990]