Wow!  The response to Judy's call for assistance yesterday is
overwhelming!  We have received so many offers of help, it is taking us
a while to sort through them all and respond appropriately to everyone.
Please be patient with us!
Some updates:
We have heard that all the ferrets from the New Orleans shelter (which
was evacuated before the storm hit) have been placed in foster homes,
and the shelter operator is on her way to New York to stay with family
for now.
We have heard that 3 ferrets were rescued from the wreckage in Biloxi,
and are on their way to a shelter in northern Mississippi.  Other
refugee ferrets may also be on their way to her.  We are contacting
the shelter to see what assistance is needed.
We have made contacts with major relief organizations to let them know
we can assist with the care and housing of ferrets.
A number of shelters and individuals have offered to take in ferrets,
and provide other assistance.
We have been in contact with ferret products' manufacturers and
retailers to get supplies.
Many thanks to everyone who has offered to help.  Once again, you guys
are the greatest!
A reminder that the US Postal Service is not accepting mail to the
affected areas.  See for details.
For information on how to help, please visit our web site.
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4990]