Hello all !  I have a little bit of story to share a warning that may
help some of us and our Fuzzies.  We have been talking and reading about
furniture safety and our ferrets.  Many people will say Futons all the
way and I agree.  I HAD a queen sized bed on a nice black Pin wheel
frame, you know the type you put mosquito netting on.  Our youngest and
most mischievous boy Fizban had a field day climbing in and through the
box spring.  Looking at the bottom I could see sharp staples and nails
sticking out.  So we chucked the frame, now sleeping on only box spring
and mattress.  Well of course that did not work either and Fizban tore
open the box spring so he could turn the underside into a little den!
This would not work.so you guessed it we are sleeping on ONLY a mattress
on the floor, just for my Fuzzies.
Now my kids rooms both had Futons before I ever got a ferret so I very
glad that we would not have problems ( I thought) with the beds in there.
So here I was sitting at the computer while the boys were playing tag.
They dodge into my sons room and in a couple minutes I hear a terrible
cry I thought was my niece.  She was sleeping right behind me I turn to
see her still sound asleep.  I run into my sons room just in time to see
Fizban make a couple strange mini jumps and I see its him squealing.  I
know he is in pain I snatch him quickly and being to search for the
reason for his cries.  Finally I see a tiny drop of blood pooling on his
rear middle toe tip with NO nail!  When I was able to comfort him and
help clean him up he was Ok just very scared and a sore little foot.  I
retraced what I saw and found his toe nail wedged in the metal frame of
the Futon!  This particular Futon is a Wal-mart special.  You buy it in a
box and put it together.  The frame is in 4 big pieces that you must join
together in the middle.  On the main outer support bar where this frame
comes together is this ever so slim space..right where his little toe
nail got stuck.  Now I realize this is a freak accident and probably wont
happen to many folks or ferrets again.  But I wanted to share so if you
have one of these futons or plan to buy one.  You may consider some sort
of method to seal the crevice.  JUST IN CASE.
And yes my FIZ BUT is just fine.  His toe healed very well and his nail
even came back.  Poor little guy.  P.S.  Karen I love your dedication to
your fuzzie and your new kit looks just
Kris and the Gang from Dookers Den
[Posted in FML issue 5015]