There does seem to be a problem with submitting comments for the ferret
regulations directly from the EDOCKET.  I did find an alternate way to
do it.
Go to
Under the Agency popup menu, select Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service.
In the Keyword box, enter ferret.
Click Submit.
This will bring up a list including the original edocket and the
extension notice.  The last column in the list is an Add Comments
button, which will bring up the form.
I'll post these instructions on the IFC web site, and see if I can
find out why we can no longer submit comments directly from the
edocket. Hopefully that can get correctly quickly!
The original deadline for submitting comments was October 4, so that
is not the reason it isn't working now. The extension until November
18 is official.
Thanks Claire and Al for noticing this!
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 5015]