OK, now-picture this.  5 frenzied ferrets let out of their cage after
having slept all day...feisty and ready to rock and roll.  Picture one
anxious ferret mom, who had just re-arranged the furniture in the living
room.  Anxious mom saw immediately that the couch was in grave danger
from occupation and within seconds, 4 of 5 ferrets were underneath said
couch and within another minute or so...inside of it.
Now, "this won't do" said somewhat dim-witted ferret mom so she locates
a tape measure and measures the dimensions of the couch...3 times....
to be absolutely certain everything would fit perfectly.  She hops out
to Home Depot and manages to spend $60 on lumber (don't ask!) and with
extraordinary strength and skill, manages to get the 2 newly cut pieces
back to the house.  (Why 2...because there was a 1" difference between
floor and couch frame and each piece of lumber was only 1/2 inch high.
(Did I mention dim-witted?)
Anyhow, with the help of a neighbor, the lumber is slide under the couch
and is at least 4" short, all around.  No problem, agree all the ferrets-
this is cozier still.  This goes on for a week, with the ferrets nicely
moved into the couch.  Then, yesterday, a light goes on in ferret mom's
head...she turned the couch over and unscrewed the 4 small legs on the
couch!  Victory...for a little while :-).
Francine Prager
[Posted in FML issue 5013]