Hello FML'ers!!!  We've been in our new place for a little over a month
now.  We've been working our butts off to get this place safe for
ferrets.  We got a LOT of work done this weekend and actually have
ferrets in the shelter now.
We've been through hell with this move, everything from poisonous spider
infestations (who knew?  Canada DOES have poisonous spiders!!!) and bad
plumbing to crooked floors, walls, bad insulation, substandard electrical
and lack of heating/air-conditioning.  I thought everything was coming to
an end so i was planning on taking it a little easy today and just enjoy
some time with fur kids.
Well, that's not going to happen.
It's rained many times since we moved into the new shelter, never once
did we have any problems.  So, we placed a lot of my valuables and
shelter valuables in the basement, feeling good about it being safe
there.  We've got MAJOR flooding and leaking now.  All of the stuff
we stored into the basement, thinking it would be safe is not.
Prizes we had donated for fund-raising and for Ferrets 2006 that were in
cardboard boxes are probably totally destroyed.  I can't estimate the
damage, but it's not looking good right now.  it could be in the 1000's.
We'll be in some bad shape.  Not sure what else to say, i'm just ready
to crack.
Sorry for grumbling.
[Posted in FML issue 5013]