Steve just heard on ABC News that it has been determined that 15% of
those who got out before Rita would not have done so if they had not
been allowed to take their pets.
We do NOT know how this stat was reached.  Still, it adds up to a LOT
of people safe as well as the animals.
On "Now" last week it was said that an unexpected high cause of danger
and death for humans with Katrina was people returning for pets when
the people did not know how to take safety precautions.
Then there are the zoonoses and dog packs avoided, and so much more good
Saving non-human animals saved human animals, too, pure and simple.
Hopefully, some of the hard headed, hard hearted people will learn
from this if they are capable of learning.
Love is good, no matter how many legs the loved individual has or
doesn't have.
[Posted in FML issue 5012]