Dear Fellow Ferret Lovers.
We here in Reno had a treat today for our Nothern Nevada Ferret Network
Ferret Frolic.  Bob Church was there.  Yes That Bob Church.  Bob C. is a
kick folks.  MC was there as well the the three of us took turns playing
with some of the frets there.  I asked Bob afew questions and then Bob
gave a in depth lecture on Ferret Dental health and problems.  Then we
got a live demo on how to brush frets teeth!!  LOL.  All in All it was a
great time.  And to top it all off, guess who won one ot the door prizes?
Yeah, that guy that nevers seems to win anything...ME!!  Man was I stoked
about that as well!!!  LOL.  Anyway, I am again a due paying member of
NNFN.  RLOL.  We here in Nothern Nevada need to keep this organization
alive and going.  It is a real voice here in N.N. for Ferret Education
and adoption efforts.
Well I have to go and try out my newly founded fret teeth brushing
techniques.  Hehehehehehe... Hey stay fuzzy folks and love on them
Best Regards to all
Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue
After All it is For The Ferrets!!!
[Posted in FML issue 5011]