Hi Folks,
Marilyn from Ledoux Hospice here, we are now smoke free.  The ferret who
only wanted her food, licked off of my smoky fingers, is smoke free.  I
have thrown the butts away, You know, they were sealed in a plastic bag,
the kind electric componants come in, so it was thick, and you could
smell them through the bag.
Anyway, I was rubbing my fingers less and less, and now she is free.
She would only eat, and not much of anything, licking her food, warm,
off of my fingers.  If this sounds lika a no-brainer, try heating your
fingers up.
We graduated to a kitty bottle, she could chew the nipple, but again, she
only ate a little bit.  Then we went to my 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon.
This was better as I could count what she ate, about 2 tablespoons per
feeding.  NOW this morning, she put her nose in the dish and ate it ALL.
Then she wiped her whiskers on my shirt, and wiggled to go back to her
I think I am making progress.  This has been the best morning so far.
What is going in is coming out, so things look good.  It has been a
long haul, BUT, I think we are going to make it.  Yahoo!!!
I am fortunate, I only have one ferret in this condition.  Now put this
situation in a rescue with, say 10 that needed this kind of help.  I read
the bickering that goes on on the FML, I can't get involved, but be kind
to these people, who cares if it is a Katrina rescue, a hill top rescue,
a valley rescue, who cares, some little ferret needs help, some person
traded in her free time, things she wanted to do, something she wanted to
buy, and rose to the occassion.
To those finding fault, try this.  Give up your TV show to hold a ferret
away from all noise, maybe in a dimly lit room, turn the phone down so it
will not be startled, eat your dinner cold, (cold mashed potato are not
bad, gravy is out,) and tell your friends you will not be going to lunch,
you are going home to hold little Ferrets paw to reassure her you still
love her, and you will come back again.  Stay up all night to pat her and
let her know you are near, she is bright eyed in the morning, you are
wondering how you are going to get to work.  Thats my job, and I wouldn't
trade it for anything.  These people need a kind word, it won't cost you
anything, send them one today.
Good Luck- Marilyn and the Gang at Ledoux Hospice
[Posted in FML issue 5010]