If you own a ferret and live west of the Mississippi then your vet should
be attending the AFA's Ferret Veterinary Symposium on October 8, 2005 at
the Radisson Inn Sunnyvale in Sunnyvale California.  Registrations are
still be taken through October 3rd (when I need to have my numbers into
the hotel for their catering staff).  Information about the symposium can
be found on the AFA website homepage at www.ferret.org - but here's some
of the information in a nutshell:
The American Ferret Association in conjunction with IDEXX Laboratories
presents An Advanced Course: Management of the Ferret for Veterinary
Professionals, Radisson Inn Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale, California Saturday,
October 8, 2005
SESSION I: Emergency Medicine & Critical Care; SESSION II: Oncology:
A. General Oncology Overview and Tips for Treating Ferrets with Cancer;
B. Lymphoma: A retrospective review of disease, diagnostics, and
C. A new lymphoma chemotherapy protocol for ferrets - Preliminary
observations; SESSION III: Gastrointestinal & Hepatic Diseases;
SESSION IV: Studying Ferret Behavior; SESSION V: Disseminated Idiopathic
Myositis - An Emerging Disease; CASE REPORTS - Audience presentations and
Speaker Faculty: Rene C. Gandolfi DVM, DIPL ABVP - Conference Chair,
Anne K. G. Bazilwich, DVM - Conference Co-Chair, Natalie Antinoff, DVM,
DIPL ABVP (Avian), Mark Burgess, DVM, Joerg Mayer, Dr Med Vet Msc,
Katrina Ramsell, PhD, DVM, Valerie W.  Staton, DVM.
qDEXX Laboratories is our Platinum level sponsor and Eight In One Pet
Products is our Silver level sponsor.  I would like to thank both
sponsors for their most generous support of the AFA for this professional
symposium.  I would also like to send extra kudos out to 8in1 for their
continuing support for all of AFA's events and projects.
This symposium is RACE approved for 8.5 hours of continuing education for
vets and vet techs through the AAVSB.  The program ID is #2058 and the
provider is #160 the International Ferret Congress.  I would like to
thank the IFC and 2 ladies in particular, Linda and Danee, for helping
AFA get our RACE approval.  It took a lot of time out of their very busy
schedules to help get this accomplished.  Thank you both so much!
If any one has any questions please contact the AFA at [log in to unmask]
The AFA will have a limited number of proceedings books available after
the conference.  They will be sold on the AFA website.  Look for them
there in mid October.
Vickie McKimmey
Director of Shows and Special Events
American Ferret Association, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 5010]