Milo was taken to Doctor Edwards on Thursday AM for X-rays on his pinned
leg.  Donna and I relayed him.  I got him to Donna before I had to go to
work, she took him the rest of the way to Doc Edwards.  Donna works up in
Rochester so she dropped him off on her way to work..  Mind you this is
going west to Doc then east to get to work but bless her heart she helps
with the running all she can.  Milo loves it because he gets to go on
adventures..  The results of the check up are:
The leg is healed, no need to remove the pins above the knee.  The
hip joint where the ball was broken off the femur has healed with no
impingement.  I understand the muscle has grown around the area to be a
make shift hinge..  Doc was pleased with his progress, gave him a clean
bill of health and said he could go home.  Donna is picking him up, I
will go get him from Donna's house.  Milo is all better!  Thank you
everyone for you love and support of this wonderful little guy.  He is
one happy little dude.  Shelter Mum Brenda
International Ferret Congress Shelter/Vendor Coordinator
Lakeroad Ferret Farm E-Bay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5009]