Hello all!
I am pleased to announce that with the unfailing help of several
volunteers - most notably Terri C/NM ferret mom extraordinarie - there
is now a listing of lost and found hurricane ferrts on the FACT (Ferret
Assn of CT) website at
Need several favors!
Anyone - Please follow the links and help me identify anything that
doesn't make sense or looks weird.  Just shoot me an email.
Anyone with Katrina lost/found ferret info - Please review the list!
The "petfinders" site has been a super place - but it is NOT the only
place for lost/found lists.  Also - I know that others have been working
independently with rescue, shelter and fostering of hurricane affected
ferrets.  I would like to be able to add this information to the list.
That way we could all point ferret owners/adopters/fosters/foundlings/etc
to one place.  The Animal Emergency Response Network (the
petfinder/Maddie site) is already becoming harder to navigate.  People
with ferrets have to search under "small and furry" that includes
multiple species.  The mission is to try to make it easier for ferret
owners and saviors.
Anyone - I suspect there are other animal orgainzations like Noah's Wish
that may not be posting to the petfinders Animal Emergency Response
Network site for whatever reasons.  These need to be "discovered" and
that data added.  How sad to think that one list has a found ferret and
another list a lost ferret and they cannot be reunited!!!
Please note - I am not identifying those willing to foster or temporarily
house foundlings.  Sadly, there seems to be few found and more lost.  If
you have room in your house and heart - PLEASE contact your local ferret
shelter and adopt or foster.  That is the very best legacy and help you
can provide.  Let those poor lost ferrets lost to the storm and
circumstances live on through those who have been abandoned or displaced
through no fault of their own.  EVERY ferret deserves a home!
Thank you all for your efforts and feel free to contact me via this list
or privately.
Ann Gruden
President, Ferret Association of CT, Inc. (FACT)
[Posted in FML issue 5009]