The authorities in Galveston have made transportation available for
families or individuals without transportation to evacuate them WITH
their animals (animals must be in carriers) from the Galveston area to
a safe place.  This is a BIGGIE.
I know who made this possible and am well aware that the screaming,
yelling, angry, begging individuals who made this possible will also
most probably lose their jobs.
For over 13 years (that I personally know of probably more like 20 years)
the leaders of Disaster Response Organizations (that respond for the
animals) have been begging, pleading, presenting evidence that many
people die in disaster because they WILL NOT LEAVE THEIR ANIMALS BEHIND.
Seems someone finally listened.
To Anne Ryan & Julie Fosse: Thanks for listening to me rant an rave on
the phone.  TC's job is stable as she has her own response team so no one
can touch her, I am very worried about LB's job, I think they pulled her
from the field
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response
[Posted in FML issue 5009]