We currently have 52 ferrets in foster care, many of them elderly.  All
our ferrets are placed into foster homes until suitable adoptive homes
are found.  We don't consider any of our fosters permanent residents
although many do end up staying with us until their time to travel to
the bridge arrives.
While in foster care the AFS covers all the medical and maintenance
needs for the fosters including the provision of cages, accessories and
food and litter, though many of our foster families provide their own
food and litter.
We have an awesome group of members and volunteers who go above and
beyond to help ferrets in need.  We also have many good friends from
afar who regularly donate bedding and other items.  We couldn't do this
without them.
Our vet bills for the last fiscal year (to end of April 05) were
$18,802.50.   So far this year vet costs are running at about $8000.00.
We have several great vets who give us discounts but veterinary care is
very expensive in Alberta and as the number of elderly ferrets increases
so does the cost of caring for them.
We do not have any outstanding vet bills or other expenses at this time.
Barb Hoult
Alberta Ferret Society.
[Posted in FML issue 4981]