I have a little boy (Fuzz Butt) that possibly has Salmonella poisoning.
I lost a little girl (Sassy) to this about a year ago and for the life
of me cannot figure out how she got it or if Fuzz has it, where they got
it from.  My vet suggested sniffing another's stool, fixing chicken and
not washing hands and then handling a little one or going out side and
picking it up somehow out there.  In both cases there was no uncooked
chicken handled in the house, no stool to sniff to pass it on as the rest
of the herd was and is fine and as far as going outside, the only place
they ever go is the back deck and never into the yard.
I am pretty much perplexed over this deal and wonder if anyone knows of
another way a little one can be infected.
I am waiting for the results of Fuzz's culture to come back but the vet
said there is the possibility it could be Salmonella once again.
Oh yes another thought, I did not have Fuzz when Sassy was alive.
Patrick and the Seven Dwarfs
[Posted in FML issue 4958]