>From:    Deva Kolb <[log in to unmask]>
>My 86 year old Alzheimer's mother LOVES the ferrets.  While she plays
>with them she kept asking for popcorn.  I popped her a bowl of popcorn
>and she looked at me funny.  She didn't want my popcorn, she wanted
>the ferret popcorn.  After questioning her awhile, I realized that she
>calls the Weasel War Dance, Popcorn.  She wants the ferrets to Dook
>when she asks for popcorn.  Do I need to butter and salt the ferrets?
Thank you so much for sharing that story.  I work for a company that has
6 assisted living facilities in Texas for people with Alzheimer's and
other dementias.  I'm the accountant so I don't work with the residents
on a daily basis.  One of the things that makes our facilities unique is
that we allow residents to have a pet, and we often bring in animals for
pet therapy for the residents.  There's even a group called Hearts and
Hooves that uses miniature horses!
I haven't brought any of my ferrets to any of our facilities, but I may
just have to do that.  I'd love to see how the residents react!
Distributor for Natural Gold Ferret Food
[Posted in FML issue 4977]