It's been a while since I've posted, and for once, this is not a sad
post, nobody has left for the Bridge, all seem healthy and happy.  I
don't know if I posted after St. Louis or not, but if I failed to do
so, it was great.  There's been some health problems show up that have
taken up some time, then school is almost all encompassing, but it's
almost over.  My sincere condolences to all who have lost their beloved
fur kids.
I sometimes miss reading the FML because of my studies for a couple of
days, but today, Saturday, I read it on time.  I saw the post about
Anderson Cooper, and me being me, couldn't resist writing a note.  I'm
including it in this post.  Hope you enjoy it, hope it helps get the
point across!
To Mr. Cooper and CNN executives:
I'm writing concerning a broadcast comment by Mr. Cooper on 8/16/05.
After speaking to Jeff Corwin about a bear attack, Mr. Cooper ended
this part of his news with the comment:
"COOPER: I want to put this in perspective for a moment.  Household pets
and deer actually pose a far great threat to humans than bears.  Let's
put it in perspective.  According to Washington State University,
approximately two Americans are killed each year by grizzly bear.  But on
average, moos kills six people every year; dog attacks are responsible
for 18 deaths; bee stings are responsible for 40 deaths a year; while
140 people die in car crashes involving deer.  We found this interesting:
Pet ferrets are responsible for four deaths every year.  Well, who knew."
My family has been involved in ferret rescue for over 9 years.  After
being told of this comment, I immediately began to check to see if all
family members were accounted for, if all their digits and toes, noses,
ears, other pertinent bodily parts were still attached, and began
counting the cats in the house, just in case.  I mean, if ferrets kill
people who knows what a 2lb ferret might be able to do to a 15lb. cat or
a 200lb person in our house!  Luckily, all were present and accounted
for, all body parts attached.
I thought back on all these years of having ferrets around, and began to
wonder-have we just been lucky, or have we not had a 'rogue' ferret in
our midst.  I know I haven't found any weaponry built to wipe us out,
nor any other type of material that the ferrets could take us out with.
What a relief!
I truly wish Mr. Cooper had done more research before making such a
statement about ferrets.  I know that there are reports of ferrets biting
babies, but that turns out to be the fault of the parents.  And it's not
only ferrets that bite babies, but dogs and cats!
Ferrets for some reason get a bad rap from a lot of people, and it's
remarks like this that don't help people to understand them.  Mr. Cooper,
and anyone else who makes a statement about a ferret, or any other animal
for that matter, needs to know more about his subject.  Mr. Cooper might
be a good reporter, but it is mistatements like this that touch on
While far from being an expert on ferrets, I feel that nine years of
caring for them, rescuing them, being involved in the ferret community
gives me a right to voice this opinion on his comment.  I have to wonder
what Jeff Corwin thought of this comment, also.
I'm sure you'll hear a lot from other members of the ferret community,
and I hope that Mr. Cooper and CNN realize that there are people out here
in the public who are listening, and hear these types of remarks that are
incorrect.  It would be nice if news reporters, national and local, would
get the information they're reporting correct before presenting it to the
public.  Misinformation, or remarks that border on the absurd only cause
us to doubt any credibility in the news and in the reporter.
I also hope you pass along to Mr. Cooper the information that there are
those of use who do listen.  Should he be more interested in finding out
more about ferrets, we of the ferret community are more than willing to
assist him in understanding how wonderful a ferret is, and how much fun
and joy they bring to people's lives.  I personally know of a woman
who's austistic son has been helped from his ferret, and that there was
a nursing home who had ferrets, along with other animals, for their
residents to enjoy, and they were therapy.
You have my email address, and I invite Mr. Cooper to contact me if he
wishes, for I can put him in contact with shelter operators and other
folks like myself, who do rescue.  I'll be more than happy to speak with
him, tell him what I know of ferrets.  And, I can put him in contact with
folks who have ferrets for pets.  At least, I think I can.  Maybe I'd
better start making calls to make sure their ferrets haven't killed them.
Excuse me, I have to get to the telephone.
Rebecca McFarlane
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 4976]