I am mailing out my letter to APHIS tomorrow.  I have included it here
in case anyone on the FML is interested in reading it.  I would like
to encourage those who have not done so, to PLEASE write on behalf our
little furry friends who are depending on us to talk for them.
Dear APHIS Animal Care Experts,
I am writing regarding Docket 04-088-1.
First of all, I would like to thank you for looking into improving the
regulations for the shipping and care of our beloved ferrets.  I have
been a "ferret Mom" since 1985 and I absolutely love them!  It breaks my
heart to know the kind of conditions they are subjected to and would love
to see our little furry friends protected from these inhumane conditions.
Please allow me to list some of the areas that need to be addressed:
  a..  Minimum shipping age of 8 weeks.  Before that age, kits are not
  able to eat kibble properly and may end up with different medical
  problems, a prolapsed rectum being just one of these problems.
  b..  The food and water that are shipped with the kits gets spilled,
  "pooped" in, or is just not enough for all the kits in the crate.
  Ferrets need frequent feedings and fresh water.
  c..  Ferrets are very vulnerable to temperatures above 80, and also
  low temperatures.
  d..  All incisions from altering need to be completely healed before
I am sure there are many other considerations that I have missed, but I
trust that you are looking into these matters thoroughly.  Tiny kits are
adorable, but it is cruel to try to capitalize on that at the expense of
these dear little creatures, who depend on us for everything in their
lives.  Please continue your mission to change the regulations, and thank
you again for your consideration.
I applaud the Colburns for their generous offer to help anyone with their
letter.  I would be happy to help do this also, so if you get overwhelmed
with requests, let me know.
On behalf of my 3 little loves: Twinkle, Peanut and Rascal, and all those
who have been a part of my life that are on the other side of the bridge,
[Posted in FML issue 4975]