I have been reading the comments in
and while I don't agree with all of the comments (which is no biggie
since everyone disagrees about some things) I sure do think that a lot
of great concepts were raised, and it is so very cool to see everyone
in agreement that the really young kits are deprived by their situation,
and there are obvious safety improvements that can be made.
With each one I read I wind up thinking how loving, and constructive,
and effective their points are.  My heart is torn out by some of them
who tell the sad things that the good people at APHIS/USDA need to know
about, and my hopes are lifted by others who tell how much progress could
be made by tackling the sorts of things which can be largely (or even
virtually) made problems of the past with the desired improvements in age
of transport and sale, transportation conditions, caging conditions, etc.
It is such an opportunity to be able to affect positive change over the
entire nation just with a few letters as long as enough of them are sent
when needed, isn't it?
You folks are the BEST!  THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!  What you
have done is truly important!
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List
FHL Archives
International Ferret Congress
P.S.  I've been working sick for the last few days so, please, forgive
any typos.  Just know that I think that you are the absolute best!
[Posted in FML issue 4975]