Browsing ebay tonight I happened across an item of "ferret art", that
is, art by a ferret... we should be encouraging this talent..
"NEW My Friends Art By Squeaky the FERRET MUST SEE":
Cris & (& unkie Lee - reserve hooman)
 & the kidz -
Rhoobarb (Biteyweezil)  "Chunky" (Lumpychunks)
Princess Lily (Special Baby) & Ollie (TROUBLE!)
Remembering those who stole pieces of my heart
Custard (Cussieangelweezil)
my gentle little joker and daddies snuggleferret
Bubbles, (Da Warweezil)
first ferret par excellence and leader of the furkidz
Skweek (Skweekyweezil)
daddies litle earwashing girl and all round little madam
Called away from this world to dance with the angels at the rainbow
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[Posted in FML issue 4974]