September 2005
Master Largo News
Reporter Andy
Cub-Reporter Ziggy
Ziggy here: Hey Hey Hey!!!!!  We have drinking water!!!  Thanks
everybody!!!!  You humans are great!  You not only helped mum get water
for us to drink you shut down that complainer Andy!!!  Haaaa Haaa Andy
boy, you did not know so many humans wanted you to STOP COMPLAINING did
you?  I love it!  Heeee heeee.  Life is good at the Lakeroad Ferret
Andy here: OH Ziggy!!  STOP gloating!!!!  Your day will come you just
wait.  (Pout) You and mum tricked me into doing that!  That was NOT fair!
(Stomping my Paws)
Oh my sweet Andy man, your mum got her new water pump so you could have
drinking water in your bottles and bowls!!!  Boy you and Ziggy sure know
how to get things done.  I was so surprised to see you say you would
never complain again.  I bet you didn't think so many people would send
mum spending paper just so you wouldn't complain anymore.  Remember a
promise is a promise, NO more complaining, and tell that Ziggy girl she
better not rub it in too much or we will have to have a talking with
her!!!  Love ya Andy man, Aunt Ret
Andy here: See!  See Ziggy, I am not the only one that knows you is going
to make my life miserable over this... You just stop right now!  (Pouting
Ziggy here: time for the news, we will just go on and let that Andy man
sit in his own stew for a while.  Miss Vicki and Mr. Mike tooks mum to
dinner brought her real food Miss Vicki made that mum can eat and helped
mum get her funeral rangements made.  Mr. Mike does that for a living.
You know works with dead humans..  YUCK I would not want to work with
dead humans; it is hard enough to work with the ones that are alive!!
Bemember when mum had to go in that place to get the keys to get the
Powers kids out of the house, to bring them to camp?  Well that is where
Mr. Mike works, Mum says it is portent to get this stuffs settled so if
she goes to rainbow bridge to meet Master Largo, Mr. Bones and all the
other kids that are there, things will be done just the way she wants
them done.
Miss Stacie; Fred's far away mom let mum barrow Cody her dog just a
wee bit bigger than me, to take to old Lady Kay's house Aug 2 for her
birthday, 88 yrs old she is.  Old Lady Kay was so happy to have a dog
come visit her.
On Aug 5 a new kid came in, she was found in Canandaigua in a mans back
yard.  He tried to find her humans but he couldn't so he called the
Canandaigua H.S.  they told the nice man to call mum.  So Charity is here
doing well.  Milo that kid with the broken leg got to meet our favorite
Doc on Aug 8, Doc says he is healing well.  Milo needs to go back to Doc
on the 25th of September to have X-rays on his leg, if the pins in his
bone are sticking out then Doc is going to take them out, if they are not
then Doc says we can leave them in.  Mum was pose to go to Mr. Jims
birthday party on Aug 14 but when mum got up that morning she found the
basement full of stinky water.  The barrel that the chlorinated water is
stored in, the one the NEW PUMP you guys helped us get uses sprunged a
leak so there was stinky water all over the floor.  Mum had our dirty
laundry in piles sitting there on the floor so the dirty laundry soaked
up some of the stinky water, only it turned the laundry white..  Mum says
cause it had the chlorine in the water.  Any way it tooks mum all day to
clean up that mess so she missed Mr. Jims Birthday party our Aunt Mary
gaved him.  Happy birthday Mr. Jim!!  It was probably a good thing that
mum did not go to Mr. Jims birthday because another nice man found
another baby wondering on the road side in Canandaigua, so he brought her
to mum.  This little girl was starving, very very skinny so mum souped
her up right away.  Mum and Aunt Ret named her Weasie.  She is doing much
much better now that she is getting food, care and love.  Mum thought she
might die the night she camed here.  Gizmo mum calls Gizzy she has a new
game she plays with mum, she comes up to mum when mum is at her desk
working on the computer, nibbles on mums ankle..  gizzy knows that will
get mum up from her chair to play with her.  Mum says Oh Gizzy you silly
girl you know just how to get me to play... Gizzy loves that game.  Mum
don't mind when she knows Gizzy is coming but when she prizes mum, mum
says she sometimes hurts..  but mum says that is just called "OUCH" Ha...
your it mum!  Then mum gets on the floor to play with her.
Andy here: HEY Ziggy it is my turn to do some news...
Ziggy here: okay cry baby go ahead lets just see if you can tell the news
without complaining..  I bet you can't!  I dare you to try!!  Go ahead
smarty pants lets see you do the news without complaints.
Andy Here: HUMMMMPH I can you know, tell the news without what YOU call
complaining... Okay here goes, Miss Donna, Miss Cathy, and Miss Vicki was
here to help mum in the shelter.  Not all at the same time though.  Miss
Vicki got some of our new place cards laminated.  She has a chine that
can do that so she does it for mum.  Thanks Miss Vicki.  Mum is all done
driving the big yellow thingy for summer school that is all done.  Mum
has a couple of weeks off before school starts again and she goes back to
work.  Mum is taking care of Old lady Kay 2 times every day, she is also
taking care of her almost grandson every day too.  Mickey's mum went back
to work last week.  So he comes to play with us and hang out with mum.
Oh yeah we has the wagon train set up for Sunday Aug 21 at 4 PM to take
all the cans back.  There are more than 30 bags to go now.  Mum and
Mickey have been cleaning cans almost every day to get them all done and
caught up before then.  Oh Yeah Mr. Dale is so so sad, his Sandee girl
died.  She had lots of cancer all over her insides.  Our favorite Doc
tried to fix her but he couldn't.  Mum is sad too because she is from
here at our shelter.  She was one of us one time.  Only she found a
4-ever home with Mr. Dale and Miss Linda.  Mum has had lots of humans
that want to adopt some of us, but they don't wants to come here to spend
time, they just wants to come pick us out and take us home.  Mum says she
don't work that way, that if the humans that want to adopt us do not want
to come get to know mum and spend time here then we can stay right where
we is at!  Mum says we has been through enough dodo in our lives, she is
going to make darn sure that when we leave here it is the last home we
will ever need.  Now mum stomps her paw I mean foot.  If them humans do
not understand that then THEY has a problem!!!  Mum says she is going to
protect us.  In 11 yrs of doing the shelter she has only once had to go
get kids from a home she placed them in.  You remember it was Stewart,
Peanut and Butter... Miss Cathy and Miss Donna went to pick them up
because they was not being taken care of.  Mum was so sad that she made
the mistake and let them go there but then Mr. Harry and Miss Ret said
don't be sad, your system worked you checked up on the kids, they were in
danger so you were able to get them out of that house..  So Mum says she
needs you guys that has adopted some of us kids from here to write
letters telling why and how the process works... Maybe if you guys do
that the new humans will understand why mum works the way she does.  Okay
Mum says I has told enough I need to stop now.  Oh!  Oh!  Wait mum!  One
more thing I has to tell.  Our shelter is filled right up to the top, mum
has had some humans that needed to find homes for their fur kids but mum
had to tell them she could not take them in.  Mum saves some of the empty
cages for mergencies like Charity, Weasie and Lost and Found.  Anyway she
told them she would help them find a home if they would let her connect
them to ferret people.  Well the 3 fur kids in Syracuse found a home.
Right in Syracuse, and the 2 Spencerport kids found a home in Rochester.
So mum will help humans find homes even when she can not take in any more
kids.  Okay mum I will stop now.
Ziggy here: Holy Weasel War Dance!!  do you believe it?  55 lines 673
words from Andy and not a one is a complaint!
Andy Here: HA!!!!!  I tolds you I could do it... okay mum says we has to
close the news for now.  We can tell you more next month.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Love and trouble
Ziggy from New York
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
Lakeroad Ferret Farm E-Bay Store
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
To visit the store.
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our fur
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
[Posted in FML issue 4974]