>From:    Alayne Avery <[log in to unmask]>
>I know about ferrets not handling heat well.  Over 80 degrees and they
>can have heat stroke.  My daughter wants to take one or more of the
>ferrets to the county fair fun show.  It isn't unbearably hot this week,
>but still around 80.  Is there any way to keep them cool enough for a
>few hours so that we can take them, or should I just not take them? ..
>Alayne Avery
Yes, I expect flames. this is the FML after all. :-)
This is what we do.
And it's work.  And you have to be prepared to leave if the ferrets start
to show signs of distress.  Immediately.
Take only those ferrets who don't seem to mind the heat.  We have eight
and some of hose eight get overheated sitting in an air-conditioned car
with just the sun on them.
The night before freeze several soda bottles of water.
Place soda bottles in a plastic bag, then tie it shut.  Wrap bottles and
bag in a towel.  place the whole thing in the bottom of their cloth
carrier.  This can be a cloth bag from the grocery store or a backpack.
Nothing with fleece and nothing plastic like a hard sided carrier.  he
idea is to let them poke their head out and see stuff, feel the breeze.
Pack bottles of water OR be prepared to find them water every so often.
Bring a spray bottle.
Take ferrets.
When you get there, spray water on ferrets or lightly sprinkle them
with water until they are damp (This also makes them perky <g>.  Place
in cool bag and go.
I assume your ferrets are used to going places with you?
anne (who took her ferrets throughout the south.  In August.  In
hurricane season) in chicago
[Posted in FML issue 4974]