Greetings from AFA Fundraising Committee:
The AFA Fundraising Committee is working on a ferret cookbook: "Chef
Furo's Cookbook/AFA's Guide To Your Ferrets' Happiness".  This book
will not only feature recipes for the ferrets, but tips from breeders
and shelter moms/dads, ferret treats, etc.
We are looking for recipes and tips on the following items:
Duck soup/Chicken Gravy Recipes
Special Soup for ferrets that have insulinoma or health problems
Homemade Ferret Treats
Ferret Tips -- (How to give meds to a ferret, Clipping Ferret Nails,
Kit and Jill Mush/Supplements
Breeders' Tips
If you have any recipes (ferret related) or other topics that you would
like to share, please email Darcy at [log in to unmask]
Wendy at [log in to unmask] .
When submitting a recipe(s)/tips please include the following:
Name (optional)/Shelter/Ferretry, State.  In the subject line, please
type in "Ferret Recipes/Tips".  All recipes/tips must be received no
later than September 17, 2005.  All recipes will be reviewed for
nutritional quality.
All ferret stories should be sent to Debbi at [log in to unmask]
Anyone who submits information to the cookbook, and it's approved, will
have their name go into our raffle.  There will be 5 winners:
Grand Prize -- 1 Year membership to AFA
4 Cookbooks "Chef Furo's Cookbook/AFA's Guide To Your Ferrets' Happiness"
We plan to have this book available by December 2005.  What a wonderful
holiday gift for all the ferret fans on your list!  Remember, AFA members
will receive a 10% discount off this book.  If you are not a member and
would like to become one, please complete the application form located
on our web site at
With all of your help, we can make this a successful book.
AFA Fundraising Committee thanks you for your support to continue its
efforts on behalf of the domestic ferret.
AFA Fundraising  Committee
[Posted in FML issue 4974]