Here are my ten things:
1. Ferrets are the most forgiving animals I have ever met.  I have seen
the worst abuse cases imaginable and I am amazed that they forgive and
find a way to love again.
2. They are beautiful no matter what.
3. They are intelligent.  Even the ones we think aren't that smart, find
a way to get into places we never thought possible.
4. They love all animals.  (even though, some may not like them, ferrets
keep trying to make new friends).
5. They are hard workers.  If they are intent on something, they don't
give up.  Like fitting your shoe into their hiding spot, LOL.
6. They can brighten up your day.  They try hard to make you laugh even
in the worst of days.
7. They are loyal.  They would bring your shoes to you, well that if
they don't hide them first, LOL.
8. They are secretive acrobats and gardeners.  They find a way to get to
your plants and they help root them for you so that you can replant them
in a different pot.  LOL.
9. They adapt to your schedule and are always wake when you get up and
get home.  (my first year, I thought they never slept because they were
always awake when I got up and got home from school).  Though on the
rare occassion they might be sleeping as soon as they hear your voice
they wake up and greet you.
10.  They are always creating new silly games to play.  Like chase the
sock lady/man, hide the purse, pull out the sole of the shoes, etc.  All
the while they are laughing.
[Posted in FML issue 4973]