As shelter MOm I wanted to take a moment to jump in and thank LIsette for
her generosity in donating several fine pieces of her miniature
sculptures to benefit Ferret Wise Shelter in eBay auctions!!  We love yu!
It is a difficult year for us here -- with several losses to the humans
of elder relatives many hours have been / are needed to tend to basic
human needs... thus we have not been able to fund raise with as much
vigor as is required to keep the "shelter a float".
June is the beginning / end for fiscal years which means all our shelter
licensing & professional fees were due totalling $1450.00, then we had
many ferrets needing vet care & surgeries which came to $1300, and then
needed to order up 50 melatonin implants--OUCH
We have a new board of directors , but summer is a tough time to dig in
and get response with vacations and all!
Currently we are working to rehab a very tiny boy tat arrived after being
shipped at under 5 weeks of age - and sustained a compression injury to
the spine-- it al takes time & money!  We are hopeful we can make a great
difference for him.
It does not take much to realize that with the need of a washing machine
and a food order the shelter is down to it's last pennies!
We are doing our bets to keep this show running.  The fur kids are happy,
but we are definitely hurting when it comes to providing AC on hot days,
additioanl vet care etc.
For those who can and care to bid on Lisette's items or those listed for
Ferret Wise in the eBay store
It would be a great help as we still have some hot days left this summer
and our river of dreams has evaporated!
HUgs a many little licks for all the furkids here... we are toughing it
along-- and hope that soon we will be able to be pounding the pavement to
raise the needed cash to keep the shelter running...
alicia a grateful shelter mom.
[Posted in FML issue 4971]