is only SOSkat....
i KNOW i am not nearly as cute and cuddly as Princess Pepper...nor as
witty...and she talks SO much better than i do...and whatever she has
that i don't...y'all always respond so nicely to her posts for the
raffles...but i just could not ask her to do a post for the SOS raffle...
she is already SO busy...what with the SOS Ebays for Alicia...who so
needs some help...
only 1 to 2 days left on these wonderful art pieces by Lisette!!!!!!!!
and everything else she is doing...she has been SO busy...
so...if any of you have pretend
this is Princess Pepper reminding you about the SOS Fall Raffle...[we have
only had 9 people buy tickets so far]...:(
there are TEN prize packages....
we all know how great Rose German's bedding sets are...
and there is a beautiful Fall silk flowers set...
and that GORGEOUS jacket by Lee Julian with Melissa Rotert's Peeking
Ferret design...
OHHHH!!!!...and a bottle EACH of "Bandit" and Poof"!!! with ferrety note
and...that great package with the 'southern' t-shirts and goodies!!!
and...2 prize packages of goodies in Iams containers...
AND!!!..the 3 prize packages of the crystal ferret pins by Michelle M.
Whitfield & Impy...i was just blessed to be able to see one of these in
person..........GUYS!!! [well GALS...or guys FOR your gals!!!!] you REALLY
want one of these...they are absolutely GORGEOUS in person!!!!
so...please...$1.00, $5.00, $10.00...whatever you can afford...all the
proceeds go to Support Our Shelter's General Fund to be disbursed to a
very needy shelter...
thank you...
and those pins REALLY ARE beautiful...:)
[Posted in FML issue 4971]