It is with the greatest honor I find that my most beloved pet, Byte-me,
will be one of those chosen to populate the shelter fund calendar.
Some most sincere and kind person submitted the picture of Byte-me and
paid for it in my behalf, from the very bottom of my heart I am most
grateful for this act of kindness.  I am honored that Byte-me will
continue to give to me by helping other ferrets thru this funding effort.
Thru the years most that read the FML have read of the tragedies and fun
times I have had with Byte-me and followed her history to the end.  When
she passed about a month ago I told of this on the FML, there were a
hundred e-mail to me and I sent that pic back thanking each person.
Byte-me was a Marshal farms store bought fert, my very first fert.  When
she was very young she bit so much I almost got rid of her but she grew
out of it and grew into my heart as well.  I had unknowingly set a couch
on her and she was found unconscious and seemingly not breathing.  Very
late on that Saturday night I was beside myself having found that limp
lifeless body.  Pacing back and forth I petted her with no alternatives
to turn to in this moment of tragedy.  I almost put her in a plastic bag
to freeze her to have her stuffed when I noticed the most slight heaving
of her chest.  She was breathing!  L I B !!!!  (southern for Well I'll
Be !!!) Had to hold her for the next 3 hours where she would try to raise
her head but couldn't.  Eventually I set her on a towel beside me but she
would not sit still unless my hand was on her so I did that for the next
12 hours, all night!
She survived but had the heal of broken rib cage rest of her life and
walked with a strange gait from other injury.  But she survived and
remained my best friend for nearly 7 years.
Byte-me is buried with Podo, Kodo, Bud, and Nibble-ed.  All of them I
miss dearly.  Such good little animals they are.
Again, for the person that funded and submitted Byte-me's Pic I can not
thank you enough for this honor.  Dooks !
Gordon, Mr. Clean and Rug Lumper
Missing Podo, Kodo, Bud, Nibble-ed and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4969]