Hi Everyone,
I have been receiving a lot, I mean a lot of surrender calls and
unfortunately, I am over my max of rescues.  I currently among them have
2 blind 9 year olds, 1 deaf and going blind 14 year old, two 10 year old
adrenal kids (one right and one with both), one who is 9 with many health
problems, one who is 7 with congential heart problems, one who we are
guessing is 8 has insolunomia, one who is only 9 month with juvenille
lympho, and a couple others with tumors and various other problems.
Needless to say I have several that are either not adoptable candidates
at this moment who if they make it have potential homes lined up and
others that will be living out their days here because another change of
home might kill them because of the stress.
I am sorry but I cannot take in any more at this time.  We are hoping
the funds from our September 17, 2005 Show will help with medical
expenses for these kids.
So I am asking is there another shelter or shelters within PA, NJ, DE
and NY who still have room.  I am only taking desperate emergencies but I
am running thin as I just took in two large groups for the local Police
Department and Fire Department.
I got a call from a gal who has two males about 1 year old in Central NJ,
another call from a gal in Northern NJ who has 3 all about 1 year,
another call for a lady in Philadelphia who has 8 ferrets ranging from
2-7 years of age, a woman in Cape May county, NJ who has 13 ferrets
(various ages), a man in Central PA who has two 6 year olds to surrender
(possible adrenal kids), a man in Manhattan, NY who has a 5 year old
female (maybe adrenal), a couple in Delaware who has 4 ferrets (one
sounds like major health problems and the other three are sounding
healthy).  These where my calls for the past two weeks alone.
If anyone has room for these guys, please let me know or you can email
me at [log in to unmask]  Please be sure to give me your contact
information so that I may direct these people to someone.  Several
shelters around me are pretty heavy right now and I don't wish to burden
those already running heavy.  I know my capabilities and I dont' wish to
superceed them.
[Posted in FML issue 4966]