Hope this finds you well.  I'm not that familiar with your news letter
Ferret Digest, but I can see just from the few letters I've read, that
this is a place where ferret lovers can find like minded people who help
each other with problems, and share news concerning ferrets.
I have just gotten my new website www.aikidoferret.com up and running.
It tells the world about a fairly new, and, unfortunetly, not very well
known martial art call Aikido.  The main hero is a ferret named Itachi,
who is chosen to learn Aikido, and then is sent to spread his knowledge
anywhere he can.  This results in many action packed adventures that
have a message that we all can relate to in some way.
Since I'm a ferret lover, I thought other ferret enthusiasts might enjoy
seeing their favorite pet in a little different, though throughlyy
entertaining, and inspirationall light.
I do have some ferret related things for sale.  I hope this dosn't
violate any rules you might have, and that you will post this message
for all to see address of the site.  Check it out yourself, and let me
know.  (I think Google is the only search engine that has it right now.)
Thanks a lot
Bob Hamilton
[Posted in FML issue 4957]