Dear All, Hope here.  I apologize for being late with my message.  I hope
that you haven't given up on me.  Sometimes I even require some hope.
There are several dear ferrets out there needing you to stop for a moment
and think of them in your prayers and good thoughts.
Dear Princess and Sonnie, I send you much hope for you both during your
illness.  Your family loves you so very much.  It is my hope that all
their love helps you both on your way to better health
Dear Gizmo, I hope that you understand that Shelter Mom Suni has taken
you in to love unconditionally, no matter how little fur you have.
Dear Zini, I hope the new treatment your Mom and vet have works to stop
your seizures.  Your Mom loves you very much and is trying so hard to
help you.
Dear Dude, I hope that your Mommy and your vet are able to figure out
what is causing your bouts of staring so that they can help you feel
better.  I also hope you continue to enjoy your new diet of yummy food.
And as a final note, please remember all those ferret shelter moms and
dads who do so much for the unwanted little ones.
I am the Guardian of Hope.
If you know a ferret in need and prayers or good wishes will help ease
the pain, please let us know.  Send us a note with the information and
we will send our very best prayers or good thoughts in Hopes that the
warm power of love will surround and comfort the precious little one -
and the hoomans who loves them.
[Posted in FML issue 4956]