What are your opinions & experiences with distemper shots (positive or
negative)?  I have never had a problem with them until last year when we
took our 3 1/2 year old ferret, Maggie in for her yearly shots.  Maggie
was a healthy ferret although we suspected she had adrenal cancer (not
shown in ultrasound) & her energy level had declined somewhat.  Still,
she was very much a friendly, happy ferret; following her owners around
the house & even stopping for a short cuddle or nap with us once in
We took Maggie in to get her shots & the next morning, found her asleep
with a very very low body temperature.  I raced her to the vet where she
spent the day in an incubator (until her temp soared too high).  We chose
to care for her that night in the home.  She spent the night in and out
of conciousness, receiving fluids with a shot we gave her.  Late in the
night, she passed away.
Needless to say, being that her condition came about within 1 day of her
distemper & rabies shots, we thought there might have been a connection.
Was she given too high a dose?  Was she allergic (and if so, why hadn't
it shown before)?  Was it a symptom of the cancer or an unrelated
condition?  I am very curious because we have a 1 1/2 year old ferret
Millie & I would obviously prefer not to put her in harms way.  Her
distemper & rabies shots are due, however, so I'm forced to face this
painful question once more.  Should I get her the shots even though
she's the only animal in the house & she's not allowed outside?
Just wondering if any experiences from FML subscribers could offer some
insight into this difficult question.  Thank you!
Jessica, Bill and Millie :)
[Posted in FML issue 4961]