I think it is wonderful to rescue a pet from an unwanted home.  And
yes, I would consider it a privledge to have a new little heart in my
household.  But, I would also not want to pay someone for taking on what
has become their burden.  They should not be trying to sell this animal,
but rather rehome it.  The old owners should feel privledged that someone
is going to give their pet a loving home.  Although I would be annoyed to
pay someone for giving up their pet, I also agree that it's not safe to
give pets away free.
When rehoming a pet I think it's best if the old owner ask (or the new
owner request) that a payment be made to an animal shelter.  This way the
new owner is paying for the pet (helps insure serious owners) and other
needy animals (rather than a human giving up the pet) gets the money.
Just my thought
[Posted in FML issue 4960]