Hi Everybody,
Only 40 more days to go until the FML 5000th issue! Remarkable!
I just sent a check to Judy Cooke honoring the FML and Bill Gruber.  We
are doing great, but we have some ways to go.  All proceeds will be
divided between SOS and ELF, two very worthy ferret organizations.
 You can pay by Snail Mail...(I did)...Send donations to:
Judy Cooke, 110 Jer-Be-Lou Blvd., Panacea, Florida 32346 ........or by
Paypal donations should be sent to [log in to unmask]
Please make sure you write a note that it is for the FML 5000th- (Cause
if you don't, Judy and I will take the money and go out to dinner.....
Fran Prager
[Posted in FML issue 4960]