I copied this from one of my groups.  Please help, if you can -- it can't
be that hard to raise $300 for something like this, can it?
I have read this from another one of my ferret groups and this is very
disturbing.  This shelter in NJ, is needing help with these 2 ferrets.  1
has adrenal, and if they can not come up with the cash they are putting
her down and her brother because he would have a broken heart.  This is
WRONG!!!  Does any one know what to do, or is close by to get these
babies out of there.  please read
From: LittleFurriesRescue
Message 1 in Discussion
Hi, I am new here although I might have been a member a few years back
but I was sick and out of rescue for a while.  We rescue small animals
and are licensed to take in Ferrets as well, they have and always will
hold a special place in my heart.
We currently have 6 ferrets in our rescue and two that we are fostering
for a shelter.  My own weasel baby went to the bridge two years ago
tomorrow due to old age.  I am currently looking for a ferret savvy
vet for a ferret in the central NJ area.  Our rescue is having fincial
problems at this time so we are unable to take in any more animals.  We
decided to foster a pair of ferrets for a shelter and we soon discovered
that the female of the pair Cloe was in the early stages of Adrenal
Disease.  The shelter says that they can not afford to pay for the
ferrets vet bill and neither can we.  So if we do not come up with the
money to have this girls surgery done, the shelter will be euthanizing
her.  Her brother whom she is extremely bonded to will either be
euthanized along with her or have to suffer the heartbreak of his sister
leaving this world when she doesn't have to!  We have raised $80 of our
own money by selling some things on ebay and cleaning out our already
pretty bare change collection.  And I know that it generally costs up to
$300 because we have called around.  We only have two weeks to raise the
money, if we can not we have to sit by and watch poor Cloe be euthanized.
I was going to add a picture of her but don't know how here.  When I
figure it out I will, she is only two years old.
If anyone has any suggestions on how we can raise funds fast to save
Cloe's life and if you have a NJ Doctor you can reccomend that isn't too
overpriced please do email me.  I have tried to post on other message
boards but as usual the rescue world seems to be dominated by the cats
and dogs and the little furries get left out!  Even if someone would have
responded back to me about vet advice I would have been happy but I heard
nothing and one group actually told me they were going to remove me
because I was requesting help for a ferret and not a cat or dog... sigh..
If you can make a donation towards her care or do anything to help please
email me at [log in to unmask]
Paypal email is [log in to unmask]
Steph Seyforth
[log in to unmask]
For Ferret Lovers in Texas & its Neighbors!
[Posted in FML issue 4960]