Yes, they have walkers now.  Since my elderly Mom fell, she has a new
walker with a seat, basket, handbrakes, etc.  I took one of the foam
pads I had used in the drawer bottom for a ferret bed and made her a
seat and a back cushion.  (Just to brag, I pieced and quilted it also.)
Next thing I see is Mom walking around the house with the ferrets on the
seat.  She takes them all over the house.  When they want to check out
a table or counter top, they stick their noses in that direction, she
pulls over and lets them unboard.  When they have checked out land, they
reboard the walker and off they go again.
The ferrets would like to take this time to thank Medicare for their new
walker.  Ferret know how to have fun in CA.
[Posted in FML issue 4959]