I was at this past show and I was pleased that I found so many
interesting items and my fuzzies will have some new stuff to play with
but I was shocked that only certain people seemed to win everything.
I have looked over the color chart many times trying to color my own and
understand what the colors are supposed to look like but so many that
were winning didn't seem the best color for that ring.  Is this a normal
thing at shows or just this group's?  Is this like some dog shows, where
unless you have shown and are part of a certain group, you don't place?
Like you have to earn the judge's respect?  I have done dog shows before
and I was just wondering because I got out of dog shows for this same
reason.  My beagel kept winning until I realized it was only because I
was friends with certain people and when I called them on that, he didn't
win anyone.
If I were to show there, would I have to be a member of the group to win?
I just wonder.  Though I have to say that for shopping, I really enjoyed
myself.  I got a lot of things and have gone broke shopping.  I have
three really nice ferrets and they all get teeth done by the vet.  Out
to run several times a day and they look wonderful right now.  So they
have good muscle, nice coats, maintenance is done thoroughly and they
have excellent color and temperments.  I have talked to several people
trying to color and see if they think my ferrets show quality and they
have all said yes, so I have no doubt they are up to par with those being
shown.  But I guess i am asking if these shows are just politically
motivated or if they are geared toward the public at large.
Are there any shows that are geared toward the public and that first
time winners win?  I watched most of the show, sitting or standing at
the judge's are a and I also noted that they seem to check ears and such
during championship and not during specialty, is this a normal thing?
Why not check also during specialty?  Again is this every show or just
this one?  Also, I know from what others say and what I read that a
health check is done.  Why aren't ferrets being checked, why just
paperwork?  Are ferrets healthier out in Ohio?
[Posted in FML issue 4986]