I have been reading about this issue for some time.
I realize everyone has their own opinion on this issue.
I have given this issue much thought and this is my opinion:
There are many ferret shelters out there.  There are some that adopt out
and some that don't.
Let's look at the ones that are adopting.  Which ferrets are they
adopting out.  The kits?  The teens?  The elders with Insulinoma?  With
Adrenal?  The blind?  The deaf?  The hairless?  The biters?  C'mon, we
all know that the biggest percentage of people that want a ferret want
a healthy one, a younger one, a kit.
There are shelters/Sanctuaries that don't adopt out.  Mostly because the
majority of their ferrets are sick, and elderly.  Most of the ferrets
that have been dumped on these places have been dumped because they have
health issue already.  Who would want them?
Once in a while they are lucky enough to have rescued a younger ferret,
maybe a kit.  Does anyone realize what a younger ferret/kit can do in an
older ferret home?  A younger ferret can bring life to an older, dying
ferret.  A younger ferret can make the old feel young again and want to
play again.  A younger ferret can add months, maybe years, to an old,
otherwise dying ferret.  They bring them back to a fuller life.Why would
you take that away from the elders?  What would be the reason to adopt
out this younger ferret if it is bringing so much life back to the older,
sick ferrets???
I have a ferret, not young, not old.  His name is Spike.  He is less than
4 years old.  He is definitely a sweetheart.  Not a biter, no problem
with the litter box, good weight and looks healthy.  He is my first
ferret.  He has insulinoma.  He also has IBD.  He needs to be fed his
soup every three hours.  He needs his pred twice a day.  Sometimes he
gets dehydrated and he needs fluids.  His poops are never normal, always
mucusy, and need to be monitored closely.  He needs special food and
special care.  Is this ferret adoptable?  To a ferret lover, yes.  To a
ferret wanna be novice, no.
Those who love ferrets will take any of them.  Just remember.  The people
these shelter/sanctuaries would be adopting to are first time ferret
owners and these people do not want to deal with problem ferrets.  All
they want is something cute and fuzzy, they don't want a sick ferret, a
ferret that needs surgery, or a dying or old ferret.
I would never trade my problematic Spike for anything.  I love him with
all my heart.  Not all people will feel that way for their pet ferret.
That may be the reason why so many end up in these shelters.  Not may be
the reason, but is the reason.  You have to be a true ferret lover to be
able to deal with the health issues that come along with your ferret.
Most people, after finding out that whatever is wrong with their ferret
is gonna cost them $$$$.  That is why they dump them, into these
shelters, and that is why, they become unadoptable.
Thank goodness for the shelter/sanctuaries.  Adoptable or not, these
dumped off, unwanted ferrets, will always be loved!!!
We should all praise the shelters/sanctuaries who deal with the old,
sick, and unwanted.  The medical bills they have to deal with.  The
daily feeding, the subq's, the special food, the etc.etc.etc.... They
are truly ferret lovers who are looking out for the best interest of
the little ones.  Who else would do it???  Truly, no a first time
ferret owner.  Maybe not even a ferret novice.  We all have our reasons.
I have a beautiful healthy cinnamon mit kitt just turned 1 year old, very
healthy, lot of energy, cute, etc.
I also have a 3 year 10 month old cinnamon.  He needs special feedings
every three hours, has special kibble just for him, had IBD and
Insulinoma, has bad bouts of diarrhea, need fluids often, needs to
have his BG checked often, lethargic episodes, vomiting a couple times
a week.
Which ferret do you want to adopt now????
I believe their are unadoptables, because of these issues.  No everyone
wants a special needs ferret.  Some people do.  Most don't.  These
shelters/sanctuaries will take them all.  Unconditionally.  I commend
all of them for that!!!!  Because they give their unconditional love to
Darla Karagas
[Posted in FML issue 4984]